
Eligibility & Applications


  1. The IFTA welcomes all company, non-profit, and individual entrants who have invested in financial technology to join in the IFTA FinTech Achievement Awards 2019. Entrants can choose to submit their applications for any of the categories subject to final approval by IFTA.
  2. IFTA accepts global applications, meaning that there are no district limitations to company, NGO, and individual submissions.
  3. Each company and NGO may submit more than one application for each Corporate Award category, while only one submission is allowed per individual for the Individual Award category.
  4. Entrants are required to submit one form for each application.
  5. NGO is required to submit a non-profit organisation certificate (exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance) as identity proof.
  6. Previous awardees can re-submit their submission every year in the same category or across categories for Awards recognition. The decisions will be based on the judging criteria and the jury panel.
  7. For Individual Award categories, applications can be filled by an entrant who wishes to nominate for another person qualifying for the Awards.
  8. IFTA reserves the ultimate right to make final and binding decisions on the eligibility of all applications.
  9. IFTA reserves the right not to bestow a recognition if the jurors deem that no application is qualified for an Award.
  10. The jurors' decision shall be final in assigning for the Awards.

Application Procedure

Fill in and submit the online application with the required application materials on iftaawards.org on or before Friday, 20 March 2020, 1800 HKT. Late submissions will NOT be considered.

Application Fee

Award Categories Application Fee
Corporate Achievements in FinTech
(Corporate Award Categories)
Company Applications $8,000 per application
NGO* or Start-up* Applications $4,000 per application
Outstanding Financial Technologists of the Year
(Individual Award Categories)
Individual Applications $1,500 per application

* NGO is required to submit a non-profit organisation certificate (exemption document under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance) as identity proof.
* For start-up applications, the start-up must be established since 1 January 2014.


  1. The application fee is non-refundable once submitted.
  2. If the submitted applications fall short in meeting the awards criteria framework, the application fee will not be refunded.

Required submission materials

  1. Duly completed the online application form.
  2. For Corporate Award categories’ applications, all entrants have a maximum of 12 pages in A4 size (maximum 10 MB) in one PDF file, as supplementary information to support Awards application. This can range from testimonials, financial statements, business metrics, independent data reports, images, statistics, media coverage, and other relevant sources of information. If the reference document contains more than 12 pages, only the first 12 pages will be put forward as calibre materials.
  3. For Individual Award categories’ applications, all entrants have a maximum of 8 pages in A4 size (maximum 10 MB) in one PDF file, as supplementary information to support Awards application. This can range from testimonials, financial statements, business metrics, independent data reports, images, statistics, media coverage, and other relevant sources of information. If the reference document contains more than 8 pages, only the first 8 pages will be put forward as calibre materials.
  4. The company logo can be submitted with a maximum file size of 4MB in AI and jpeg format for marketing purposes.
  5. Entrant photo(s) and project photo(s) can be submitted with a maximum file size of 4MB for each in jpeg format for marketing purposes.
  6. For Corporate entrants: the application can be accompanied by a short video (optional) of no more than 5 minutes in length, demonstrating the application of FinTech in business.
  7. For Individual entrants: the application must be accompanied by an up-to-date resume that demonstrates a track record and achievements.


  1. All applications must be written in proficient English, Traditional, or Simplified Chinese.
  2. IFTA reserves the right to reproduce, print, or publish the submitted material, in either paper or electronic format, or for any use in association with IFTA activities.